It’s that season again.
Some call it fall. Some call it autumn. Some call it Thank-God-Those-Little-Hooligans-Are-Back-In-The-Hands-Of-Public-Education-Where-They-Belong-Hey-You-Get-Off-My-Lawn.
I call it punkin’ time. Because whether you’re dealing with a cheesecake or an air cannon, punkin’ makes everything better.
In Starbucks the other day, I came upon the annual rollout of the Holy Grail of Punkin’ –the Spiced Pumpkin Latte . Oh baby.
So tasty and momentous, this guy should have been behind the counter:
”Very nice err..Cup Room you have here.”
And if that wasn’t enough, there was this amazing pumpkin cream cheese muffin, shouting “pick me, pick me!”.
“THIS is the muffin of a carpenter!”
So I did. I chose wisely. And I have no regrets.
Because I’ll be doing this until the end of November.
More punkin’ goodness to come on Wandering Wednesday.